Saturday, August 31, 2019

Solving Black Inner City Poverty

FILM QUESTIONNAIRE #2 DUE DATE: 10/8/10 NAME: Solving Black Inner-City Poverty: William Julius Wilson, Films for the Humanities, Inc. , 1994 [30 minutes] 1. What has been the main cause of the rise of concentrated poverty in the urban ghetto since the 1970s according to Wilson? (4 points) Wilson argues that one of the main cause of the rise of concentrated poverty in the urban ghetto since the 1970s is the fact of segregation. In the 1970s the poor, middle class and upper class all lived in the same neighborhoods. This gave the poor more opportunities to find jobs through interaction with the wealthier tier of citizens.Nowadays, the less fortunate cluster in the ghettos and create their own life-ways, which makes it increasingly difficult to get out of the vicious circle. The schools in the neighborhood are not adequate, there are less opportunities and they cant live up to the morals and values that they would like to, but form their own. Another major factor to why the poor stay po or is the fact that single-mom households have increased from 20% in the 1970s to 51% today and the struggle it is for them to get out of the ghetto being what they are.In his book The Declining Significance of Race he further examines the question; â€Å"Why do poverty and unequal opportunity persist in the lives of so many African Americans? † In response, he traces the history and current state of powerful structural factors impacting African Americans, such as discrimination in laws, policies, hiring, housing, and education. He argues against either/or politicized views of poverty among African Americans that either focus blame solely on cultural factors or only on unjust structural factors.He tries to demonstrate the importance of understanding not only the independent contributions of social structure and culture, but also how they interact to shape different group outcomes that embody racial inequality. 2. What are some elements of the informal sex code that governs se xual relations in the ghetto? (3 points) Wilson contends that there is an â€Å"informal sexcode† within the ghettos and that the ratio of births among young women is increasing. Men gain prestige by the numbers of girlfriends as well as children they accumulate.And since black males are â€Å"unmarriable† when they do not have a job to support the family, the women end up alone with several children. Wilson was one of the first to enunciate at length the â€Å"spatial mismatch† theory for the development of a ghetto underclass. As industrial jobs disappeared in cities in the wake of global economic restructuring, and hence urban unemployment increased, women found it unwise to marry the fathers of their children, since the fathers would not be breadwinners. 3. Wilson advocates universal type programs for dealing with the plight of the inner city poor.What is meant by universal programs? Why is he in favor of universal as opposed to race-specific solutions? (4 p oints) A Universal Program is a program that addresses all races. Wilson favors Universal programs for the fact that no American citizen should be living in poverty. As of the time of the interview two thirds of the poor within the US population was white. The whites were also hit hard by the de-industrialization, not only the black. Wilson argues that we should talk in Universal terms, about programs that are there to help all Americans get a job.The way to reach the poor is by introducing an alternative avenue to success, they feel neglected and not involved in the white middle/upper-class society so in return they have created their own sphere where they set the rules and where perceived relative deprivation is high. Where the poor blacks have nurtured hatred towards the white middleclass for doing well. 4. Wilson himself grew up in a poor family in rural Pennsylvania. Why does he think he was able to escape poverty against the odds? (3 points)Wilson grew up in a poor family in r ural Pennsylvania but still managed to escape poverty since he had a very good role model, namely his Aunt Janice. His aunt (with his mother behind her) pushed Wilson to get an education and took him on trips, to museums and gave him books. She got him on his feet and he took over from there. He was also raised in rural Pennsylvania and not in an inner city, which is a big difference. In the inner city you have a sense of crowdedness, a high rate of crimes, easy access to drugs, and the sense of being imprisoned, which you do not have in the rural parts of the country.This gives you a different outlook on things according to Wilson. 5. In the article we read (â€Å"A Black City Within the White†), Loic Wacquant formulates a strong critique of Wilson and other proponents of the â€Å"underclass† thesis. What is the crux of his critique? Do you agree with Wilson or Wacquant? Why? (6 points) Wilson argues that the significance of race is waning, and an African-American's class is comparatively more important in determining his or her life chances.Wacquant, on the other hand, argues that a ghetto is not simply a conglomeration of poor families or a spatial accumulation of undesirable social conditions but an institutional form. He points out that it is the instrument of ethnoracial closure and power whereby a population deemed disreputable and dangerous is at once secluded and controlled. Furthermore, he disputes the fact that ghettos were ever simply desolate places of ecological disrepair and social hardship. He points out that there was – and still are – manifestations of a power relation between the dominant white society and its subordinate black caste.I would argue that Wilsons’s argument that the labor market problems African Americans face today are largely due to deindustrialization and consequent skills mismatches. On one hand, African Americans never were especially dependent on jobs in the manufacturing sector, so dei ndustrialization in itself has not had a major impact on African Americans, and that, on the other hand, the relative labor market success of poorly-educated immigrants in the postindustrial era shows that there is no absence of jobs for those ith few skills. To me, Wilson puts forth the attitude that a persons patterns and norms of behavior tend to be shaped by those with which he or she has had the most frequent or sustained contact and interaction. First, he seems to argue that external influences or differential associations are on of the key pillars to his theory, secondly, the out-migration of middle-class minorities, and thirdly, the problem of distance and spatial mismatch – between inner city residents and places of potential employment.He also attributed the increasing rate of inner city marriage disintegration to consistent states of joblessness. I must say that I think Wilson does not give enough emphasis to the role of race. Racial segregation is much more crucia l to the development of concentrated poverty and any resulting neighborhood disintegration than black middle-class out-migration, while social class segregation is a very real factor, it is notably intensified when racial segregation is high. Wilson is not acknowledging current discriminatory practices, in my opinion.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Holiday Depression

Tara Heubel Eng 101 Section 1130 Essay 2 Final draft Tis the Season For most people the holiday season is a very happy time. It is a time for laughter and rejoicing. It is during the holiday season that we begin to see and hear from loved ones that may not always be in touch. Friends and family from everywhere begin to make contact during this time of year in hopes to send merry wishes for the year and year to come. However not all people are overcome with the â€Å"holiday spirit,† but are rather plagued with the feeling of sadness and loneliness. This small group of people struggle through the holiday season. There are many different variables that may lead to this frustration during this time of year. No matter what the reason may be for feeling so down, the fact remains that for these individuals the holidays cause serious depression. With all the celebrating that takes place during the holidays host and hostesses may just be the most underrated people working hard to make the holiday celebration a great success! Unless you are the yearly host of a holiday get together, you really have no idea about the burden and stress that can be placed on the person who is coordinating the celebration. There are people to invite, food to purchase and prepare, decorations to hang, presents to wrap, and an atmosphere to set. The host of the party is usually preparing for the main event several months ahead of time, that is if he or she is smart, to be sure that nothing is forgotten. After all, there won’t be another party like this one till next year. If the party goes well it will be talked about all year long and people will be excited to return for future celebrations! This is ideally what every host is hoping to achieve. The perfect celebration! Every year the media portrays holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years as even bigger and bigger events. They run an unlimited amount of advertisements portraying perfect celebrations with the perfect decorations and the perfect meal. Every home is filled with laughing faces and happy hearts. It is as if you have stepped right into a Norman Rockwell painting! People are compelled to be wearing the perfect outfit. They hope to give and to receive the perfect gift. They anticipate eating the perfect holiday feast with all the wonderful side dishes and rows of lavish desserts, pies, and cookies! It should not go unmentioned that all this striving for perfection is the perfect recipe for holiday depression and stress. With all this emphasis placed on the perfect celebration; God forbid you make a mistake! Lets just think about it for a second, have you ever been to the grocery store or any shopping environment for that matter during the holidays? It is nothing short of mass chaos! There are gangs of last minute shoppers and frustrated consumers tearing through what is left of seasonal or holiday items. To be such a supposed jolly time of year, there are many, many angry people shopping. With everyone feeling the stress of this time of year it seems to bring out a darker side of us in the form of what I like to call â€Å"shopping rage. † People are frantically searching for last minute gift ideas or perhaps they just realized they had forgotten something detrimental for their feast or decor. Another popular reason for spending hours of wasted stress filled time is due to finding the right attire to model during the get together. This outfit rarely gets worn ever again after the four or five hours you’ve had it on it ends up in the back of the closet never to be seen again. This is of course after you have spent three hours finding it, trying on several combinations of red, green, black, and gold. Making sure to match and pull together every last article of clothing from the jewelry to the shoes and everything in between. About One hundred and fifty dollars later you have the perfect outfit that you will never wear again! Wanting things to work out perfectly, becomes an obsession for the individual who is burdened with the responsibility of executing the most memorable celebration. Only in a perfect world does everything always work out as planned. In this world however, there are just too many opportunities for something not to work out as planned so mistakes and accidents should be expected. Not everyone is able to accept this truth though. Some people end up spending so much time worrying about doing everything so right that they end up missing out on the â€Å"good stuff† like the time spent with loved ones. These people spend the whole holiday depressed and stressed out about meeting out materialistic cultures ideal standards for the holiday celebrations. With all the celebrating and gift giving, and decorating and throwing parties and preparing grand meals, and everything else that is associated with the holidays does anyone ever stop to ponder the incre`dible amount of money that is dumped by the millions every year into generating the â€Å"holiday season? I am sure it comes as no surprise that most people save all year long just to be prepared for this time of year. Everywhere you look during this time of year there are advertisements, one after another, urging people to spend, spend, SPEND! These ads always seem to suggest that if you don’t have an over the top lavish party that is even bigger and better than the last, then you have failed as a human to do what was expected of you during the holidays. There is truly something lost in all this misinterpreted meaning of the holidays. I mean when did celebrating time with the ones you love become such â€Å"BIG BUSINESS? † For far too many people the holiday season brings about serious depression caused by the inability for these people to afford the ridiculous things that they feel must be purchased in order to have a â€Å"proper† celebration especially if they have children. Parents always want their kids to have the best of the best and they want to buy them whatever gift it is that they have wanted and asked for all year long! However, people who don’t have enough money to get these things are struck with a great deal of depression. These same people may not have enough money to purchase everything society says we need for an extravagant meal or over the top decorations and parties. For all of these things have nothing at all to do with the true meaning of the holidays, still somehow far too much importance has been placed on materialistic things. No matter what the reason may be for a person felling the strain of holiday blues weighing them down, the fact remains that the holiday season can cause a great deal of sadness and depression for many different people.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Dream To Work In A Multinational Company Commerce Essay

A Dream To Work In A Multinational Company Commerce Essay it has always been a dream to work in a multinational company such as an oil and gas companies after my program in other to apply my skills learnt to the sector regarding business unethical practices and negligence of corporate social responsibility(CSR) by this companies in this sector. firstly it would be necessary to define CSR which is a situation where a company provides social benefit to the public which are required by law(Mc William and siegel 2001); while business ethics can be defined as† the study of business situation activities, decisions where issues of right and wrong are addressed † (Crane and Matten 2004;8) CSR is highly required all organizations to fill in the short coming of government and provide needs of a community. The aim and objective of this write up is to point out the unethical practices, negligence and ineffective deliverance of CSR by the MNCs focusing on oil companies in Africa to their host communities. Analysis Despite some positive influence of oil companies through CSR like increase in developmental funding in 2001 by $500m(Frynas 2005) previous studies has shown that there are still cases where CSR has not had effect on the required beneficiaries through ineffectiveness , negligence and unethical practices by the companies. This can be proven through various situations in Africa has discussed it the course of this report , it can be seen that most CSR embarked upon by the MNCs are due to public and global pressure such case is that of shell and Ogoni , when visited by observers it was seen that the lack social amenities like Roads and electricity e.t.c.( World Business Council for Sustainable development 2008) despite this protest oil producing regions have not yet benefited from the wealth and are still left in poverty. In a statement by president of movement of survival of Ogoni people (mitte 1995) he says that the communities where not getting enough required social and infrastructures development, he al so pointed out that the companies are taking from the communities and not putting back into it and left in total neglect. this shows a great cases of negligence of CSR to their host environment which they are benefiting from financially, there also citing of abandoned projects which are meant to serve as CSR to the community example is an hospital abandoned by shell in Okoroba village Bayelsa for many years bust was completed due to pressure(Fryans 2005) this suggest that they don’t have good management or department to ensure that project that have been embarked upon by them are not left alone, some previous events indicates that CSR was adopted not for the benefit of the communities but for that of the companies so has to have competitive advantages and get favors from government representatives, In a report ChevronTexaco made a partnership deal of $50million with Us Agency For International Development (USAID) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Angola to coin cide with negotiations for it block O (Fryans 2005) another example is in Ughoton Nigeria (SPDC) built roads and also provided funds for schools and youth empowerment in the village but as soon as it well stop producing oil they also stopped their various projects (okunmadewa et al 2002,p 63) . it shows that it was not meant to benefit to society but the company because it made them look like a company that support development and if the negotiation did not fall through they might have withdrawn their partnership another case is of shell who grant development fund to it managers to put up projects in regions which it has activities so has to maintain peace between them and the communities once this activities are complete it development account is closed and the project are left alone which ever stage it has gotten too. evidence of non functioning project like that of shell which one-third of it project in Nigeria not running or are in operation(Nigeria and shell 2001) duo they are trying to help there is no sign if development due to the lack of smooth operations of this projects. lack of trained managers in CSR has made it difficult for most developmental plans see the light of day Frayans(2005) also confirmed this saying † major contract managers are not development specialist† and even if trained might be wrongly trained for instance British petroleum sent it managers to acquire skills on development in a business school instead of a development school Fraynas(2005) which would put them through all the stages of development , failure to have specialist and conduct investigation relating to what is required could make the aim of CSR not to be achieved e.g. in Angola BP donated condoms during a campaign for AIDS but without adequate investigation and consultation the aim of CSR was not met because the condoms where too small for African men (Fraynas 2005). There has also been cases relating to un ethical practices by the oil companies causing har m and increase level of poverty in the regions which they operate such as Niger Delta according to Eyina and Ukpo(2006) they state that † it will be correct to indicate that the greatest environmental problem with petroleum industry in Nigeria result from spillages†; In the early part of 2008 alone Nigeria recorded 418 spills(Vanguard Oct.29,2008) which affects the ecosystem and increases poverty due to the fact that most people in that region are farmers and fishermen. Further evidence of unethical practices can be seen in the technological method of production adopted by them which releases poisoned gas like CO2 and CO into the atmosphere(Aigbedion et al 2007) also Eyinla and Ukpo(2006) supported this by saying that the †soil ,rivers and creeks are now acidic†. which had influence the people indirectly because there drinking water and fishing occupation have been destroyed impact of oil exploitations has caused the soil not be good for planting and the wate r is contaminated with oil (Adepelum et al 2006).A report by Niger Delta Environmental Survey indicates that drilling activities in Niger delta has negative impact both † socio-economically and ecologically† (Nigeria Sunday Times 1998), Aigebedion(2005) also confirmed this that oil spillages has caused †ecological disturbance† .

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Current Evidence of Human Evolution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Current Evidence of Human Evolution - Essay Example This study, according to Keim (2011) supported the idea that increasingly younger birth ages are hugely influenced by changes in the genetic makeup caused by natural selection. This means that the ability of a woman to give birth at a younger age is dependent on the inherited genetic traits, according to Keim (2011). This evidence provides a clue as to how Homo sapiens evolved into a species. Another research conducted in Northern Europe and Africa has shown evidence of human evolution. According to this study, it was discovered that people living in these regions have developed the ability to tolerate lactose in their diets. This form of evolution, according to scientists was due to cultural reliance on milk as a product of agriculture (Harrel 2009). Ways in which current understanding of human evolution effect how we may evolve in the future? From the current evidence of modern evolution, it becomes apparent that humans may continue to evolve in the future. This is attributed to th e selective pressures that humans are likely to encounter in the future thereby resulting in continued evolution. For instance, we might make an educated speculation that future human beings might end up lacking the wisdom teeth (Wade 2010). Research indicates that a majority consider their wisdom teeth as things that should be removed surgically before they begin to erupt. The main reasons being that modern humans have small jaws that do not require wisdom teeth. The main belief is that, wisdom teeth are vestigial molars, which evolved in ancestral humans at a time when jaws were bigger, and most diets were hard that required strong jaws. It is no wonder wisdom teeth continue to disappear. For instance, research indicates that about 35% of people are nowadays born without wisdom... Another research conducted in Northern Europe and Africa has shown evidence of human evolution. According to this study, it was discovered that people living in these regions have developed the ability to tolerate lactose in their diets. This form of evolution, according to scientists was due to cultural reliance on milk as a product of agriculture (Harrel 2009).Ways in which current understanding of human evolution effect how we may evolve in the future?From the current evidence of modern evolution, it becomes apparent that humans may continue to evolve in the future. This is attributed to the selective pressures that humans are likely to encounter in the future thereby resulting in continued evolution. For instance, we might make an educated speculation that future human beings might end up lacking the wisdom teeth (Wade 2010).Research indicates that a majority consider their wisdom teeth as things that should be removed surgically before they begin to erupt. The main reasons being that modern humans have small jaws that do not require wisdom teeth. The main belief is that wisdom teeth are vestigial molars, which evolved in ancestral humans at a time when jaws were bigger, and most diets were hard that required strong jaws. It is no wonder wisdom teeth continue to disappear. For instance, research indicates that about 35% of people are nowadays born without wisdom teeth. In addition, evidence also shows that many children are nowadays born with just one, two, or three wisdom teeth.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business Scenario Statistics Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Scenario - Statistics Project Example The objective of this report is to present rationale and cost-benefit analysis of proposed project for potential creditors and enable the owners of the firm to get loan to fund this project. The report is structured in several key parts. The first section provides a brief overview of the business followed with an overview of the business. The next section introduces business analysis, whereas there are identified major business functions and current problems. Furthermore, the report presents an overview of team management approach and analysis of the main business processes within an organisation. There are defined the types of new ICT and projected key improvements in business processes. The next section is devoted to customer relationship database design, followed by project plan and budget sections. Last section is concluding part of the report. The company operates in tourism industry acting as a travel agent. The company acts as an intermediary between suppliers of various services such as airlines, hotels, package tours, etc. and final consumers. The company has developed a great customer database as it usually ensures high quality of service and has a good understanding of customers’ needs. Moreover, the company has well-established positive reputation among both suppliers/partners and customers, which serves a good basis for sustainable business. However, with the development of IT, more consumers are empowered to book their tours and to buy airline tickets directly without involvement of tour agents. Firm’s suppliers also have switched already to new forms of communication and business interactions. Currently the company operates four locations in the same city, but the management has a strategic plan to expand business adding 10 new locations across other cities in the next 5 years. In order to stay in business and achieve business expansion plans, it is important to adopt new technology and integrate it

Monday, August 26, 2019

Assisted Suicide Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

Assisted Suicide - Research Paper Example Assisted suicide can be in form of Physician assisted suicide, whereby the physician provides the means for death, or Euthanasia which occurs in three forms which include; voluntary, non-voluntary and involuntary euthanasia. Voluntary euthanasia is whereby the patient gives his or her consent for the termination of his life while non-voluntary is whereby the consent of the patient cannot be acquired maybe due to the reason that he or she cannot make independent decision for example in a child. Involuntary euthanasia refers to the situation whereby the patient is assisted to die against his or her will (Sissela, 2005). This essay will discuss issues concerning assisted suicide revolving around the following scenario. â€Å"You are the manager of the Cancer Center in a small suburban hospital. For the past two weeks you have worked closely with your nursing staff because they have been expressing â€Å"Burn Out† (frustration, dissatisfaction, or lack of interest in a job) as a result of the increase in the number of patients coming to the center who were diagnosed with terminal cancer. Nancy Nurse confided in you that she is particularly saddened about the rapid decline in Mrs. Jones’ health, a 30 year old single mother. She decided that the next time Mrs. Jones comes in for her treatment, she is going to give her an extra dose of a narcotic that could potentially end her life.† The bill of rights protects each and every person against threats to life whether self imposed or otherwise. This means that it is a crime for a person to terminate his or her life through suicide and in fact if not successful, one may face punishment through imprisonment. However, there have been heated constitutional debates on the legality of physician assisted suicide, whereby some support the act while others oppose it based on moral and religious basis (Manning, 2002). In the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Comparison of Windows and Linux Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Comparison of Windows and Linux - Essay Example BIOS (Basic Input Output System): This is a firmware and is used to iniate the harddisks, and CDRoms while booting the system. The BIOS runs from the PROM, EPROM or, most commonly, flash memory when the computer is powered on. It initializes several motherboard components and peripherals.An operating system is software that is responsible for the management of the resources of a computer. It has the capability of taking input from the user and performs activities such as allocating memory, controlling peripherals, managing file system and facilitating networking with other devices. It provides the user with a common platform to install more application software as per their requirements. The user interacts with the system with by the command-line or graphical user interface. Other activities performed by the operating systems are;Process Management: Previously what happened is that mostly one task was executed at a time by the processor i.e. the DOS only ran on sequentially executing a single statement at a time. The new operating systems however, are efficient in terms of saving and utilizing the CPU idle time in a better way. This is now possible by the capability of quickly shifting between tasks.Memory Management: An operating system memory manager actually prioritizes the use of different types of available memories. This is done on the bases of their transfer rate and volatility. This includes registers and Cache's in the CPU and RAM which is the memory specifically assigned with this task. All applications and softwares including the operating system are first included in the memory, mostly in RAM and from there the active processes i.e. the processes being currently in access by the user are retrived for further work. File-system Management: Operating systems usually have this tool for the purpose of arranging the disk space. This is done so that the files can be copied to and from the disk properly. Windows operating systems support Fat 16, Fat 32 and NTFS (Latest and most efficient files-system included with Windows NT). Linux supports EXT 2, EXT 3, GFS, GFS2, XFS, NILFS and many other formats including FAT and NTFS formats. Other tasks performed by the activities such are networking and guarding the system by implementing internal and external security are also important task. The authentication process of Windows is based mainly on the Kerberosv5 authentication and NTLM authentication which are considered as the industry standards (Microsoft Technical Documentation IIS 6.0). Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS) uses ASP coding to encrypt and verify User and Host Identity. Linux was written by Linus Torvalds in 1991. The purpose was to have an open source free operating system. This enabled contributions from programmers towards the Cause and hence after several changes Linux has been developed into a very sophisticated operating system. Linux being open source software doesn't provide any specific authentication. Though similar efforts have been done by vendors like Red Hat, which have included the authentication algorithms

First Day at College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

First Day at College - Essay Example Additionally, I had to embrace the advancement in technology in U.S, which was far ahead than my native country. Having not slept much, I took a taxicab that dropped me at the gate of the college that would be my new community for the next several years. After alighting and removing the luggage, I stood still unaware of the next move. I could not help by enjoy the beauty and the elegance of everything around me. There were many students at the college some walking to classes and others proceeding to the administration block for orientation. Although it was difficult to tell the new students apart, I followed the group of students moving to the administration block. The orientation team was so welcoming and they took our details and directed us to the college hostels. That was the most nervous time of the day since I had dreaded sharing a room with an unfriendly person. However, the roommate was so welcoming and kind hearted. By the college-orientation program card, we had to take a t our round the college as a group of new students. That was the most opportune time to make friends with other students. However, it was difficult interacting with U.S natives since I had a slight problem with my spoken English. Every time I tried bringing up a conversation, the other students made fun of me for not making my point clear. Nevertheless, I took it as a chance to make fun too. I would say something absurd to make the other students laugh and thus ease the tension. In the process, I was able to create a niche in the new environment. As we went round the college, I felt as if we were on a discovery tour. With a college map in my hand, I could try pointing to the next place of visit before we reached there. It was a dream comes true. I had never been to such an exclusive place before. Everything seemed so elegant and sophisticated. On our way back to the hostels, I met a student who seemed a bit lost. He greeted me and I noticed that he had an accent of a certain tribe in my continent. The student happened to be taking the same course with me. He had been allocated a hostel neighbouring mine but had lost his way back after taking a walk around. I could hardly hide the excitement and only thought of him as an angel in this foreign land. We found a cool place to seat as we went through our timetables together. From the moment we sat there, I realised that we have so much to learn from each other, right from our background cultures, religions and past knowledge and experiences. On visiting different areas of the college, my heart felt at ease on realisation that the music club, the basketball club, debate club and the talents show club were present. I had won many accolades through participation in these clubs since childhood and now I knew that great growth was awaiting me accompanied by global ideas. The evening was crowned with orientation and by great speeches from the university chancellor and head of departments who apart from welcoming us to the college and to different faculties encouraged the art of diversity and global interactions. They said this would not only build our academic excellence, but will also contribute to personal and professional development. Having come from a conservative background with ingrained

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Fallow's viva bilingualism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Fallow's viva bilingualism - Essay Example He notes that the initiatives are based on American fears. One of the fears is that the human brain cannot be able to accommodate different languages. The other fear is noted that America’s fear that English language is likely to be edged by other languages. In his argument, Fallows notes that it is possible for the brain to accommodate different languages. He notes competence gained by those who speak various languages such as in Indonesia and Malaysia. Fallows further notes that countries such as Japan have been encouraging study of English as a way of boosting communication. This is seen as a way of boosting prominence of English language rather than a threat to the existence of language. Analysis of the author essay will help in highlighting the intention of the author. The author makes several claims in the essay. The first major claim is that the reason Americans are against bilingualism is that they view it as polygamy. The perception of bilingualism as polygamy makes Americans shy away from embracing other languages. In America society, polygamy is seen as failing to work as it leads to skewed commitment to the spouse. Commitment of man to one wife is seen as depleting what is available for the other wife. The same analogy is used in the English language. The author notes that the perception is that there is less room in individual’s brain. Hence, commitment to one language such as Spanish would mean lack of room to learn and understand another language such as English. The author uses statistics to highlight the reason for such behavior. He notes â€Å"Ninety –nine percent of all Americans can happily live their lives speaking and thinking about no other language but English† (Fallows, n.d, p 260). The other major claim by the author is that fear of bilingualism is based on perceived threat to English language. He notes that

Friday, August 23, 2019

Necessity be the mother of invention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Necessity be the mother of invention - Essay Example Also any decline in the gross domestic production for more than two successive quarters is referred to as recession. When recession falls on a society, it is applicable on the producers, consumers, business organizations, industrialists, in short the whole society. In times of recession, the society affected, should aim on producing innovating and sustainable methods to provide means of reduction in the recession instead of reducing number of businesses, firing employees, reduction in usage of technologies developed from before. Innovation can play its role in the society by pushing recession backwards, and if that is not possible than it can at least stop recession from growing and bringing the economy further down. This can be achieved by long-term strategies and public investments in different fields especially growth sectors to provide better technologies so that recession does not overtake the society and the economic demands of the people of that society. Recession leading to i nnovation and prosperity As recession progresses, a decrease in the trading and industrial activities is witnessed. This is a negative respond by the business organizations and industrialists. ... When these business organizations decrease their work out put, they have less work load which is why they fire their employees; increasing the rate of unemployment and making the society feel that real recession has approached. This is a negative response to recession by the business organizations which leads the economy towards a downfall. A more positive approach would be to increase work load by increasing work out put with the help of more employees. This way the employees will not feel the burden of recession and they will work with devotion for their company or firm. These are some of the main reasons of progression of recession. One major cause is inflation. It is referred to as a rise in the price of goods and services. When recession occurs, the customers spend less and save more money on goods especially with their inflated prices. Therefore, fewer amounts of goods can be purchased, reducing sales. Inflation can be caused by different factors such as increase in the product ion costs, increased energy costs and national debt. When a company faces severe consequences of recession, it tends to decrease the quality by cutting production costs hence cost of the product is lowered. The change of quality of products neglects the requirements and needs of the customer. Instead of compromising on quality of product, the organizations along with their researchers should work on reprocessing the methods of making the products and by taking the risk of introducing new products. Innovating new products will earn the organization confidence of the customer, and when the period of recession ends, the customers will continue to look up to that organization that took care of their needs in times of crisis. This way the company which allows innovations will run

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Managerial Economics Essay Example for Free

Managerial Economics Essay Identify the fixed and variable inputs. The firms w x L is fixed through out the production process, so $300 is the fixed cost. Firms, cost of capital r x K is the variable cost. It is variable through out the production process. Gus Bonilla MBA 217 Managerial Economics Individual Assignment b. What are the firm’s fixed costs? Cost of labor is the Firms fixed costs, it is equal to $300 c. What is the variable cost of producing 475 units of output? The variable cost are $75 x 6 = 0 d. How many units of the variable input should be used to maximize profits? Profit maximization is achieved when MR=MC. Since the firm runs in a competitive market MR=Price= $2. MC=MR, achieved in between 450 and 475 units of out put, and minimum ATC is achieved at 450 units. So, profit maximizing output is at around 450 units e. What are the maximum profits this firm can earn? Profit is maximized at 450 units of output. TR= 900 TC= 675 Profit= TR- Tc = 900- 675 = $225 f. Over what range of the variable input usage do increasing marginal returns exist? Increasing marginal returns from point 0 units of VC to 3 units. Gus Bonilla MBA 217 Managerial Economics Individual Assignment g. Over what range of the variable input usage do decreasing marginal returns exist? From unit #4 of Variable input (K) onwards there will be decreasing marginal returns h. Over what range of input usage do negative marginal returns exist? From input units 7th onwards there will be negative returns, as the firm incurs losses from this point. Where its ATC is higher than the MR. ) Explain the difference between the law of diminishing marginal returns and the law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution? Law of diminishing marginal returns: According to the law of diminishing marginal returns, the margin product will fall if we decide to add more inputs. ?In other words, In a production system, having fixed and variable inputs, keeping the fixed inputs constant, as more of a variable input is added, each additional unit of input yields less and less additional output. Law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution: This law suggests that it takes a large amount of capital to replace a unit of labor when capital use is high but little labor is used. As labor becomes more abundant and capital becomes scarcer, however, less capital is required to replace an additional unit of labor. In other words, the law of diminishing marginal rate of technical substitution indicates that it is relatively difficult to replace additional quantities of an input when the level of that input becomes relatively low.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Future Or Moores Law Philosophy Essay

The Future Or Moores Law Philosophy Essay Moores law is named after Gordon E. Moore, the co-founder and Chairman Emeritus of Intel Corporation. He first published what later became known as Moores Law in a 1965 Electronics Magazine article called Cramming more components onto integrated circuits. The Law states that computer manufactures will increase the number of transistors to be placed on an integrated circuit, exponentially by a factor of 2, in every 18 to 24 months. The steady growth of the Law, has held true for decades, and while scientists have had to resort to ever more creative methods to keep it going, Intel has proven that such exponential growth will last for at least for a few more years. It seems that, while Gordon Moore was arguably the first to note the exponential growth in computing power, this exponential trend has been a part of technological progress for much longer than was originally thought. According to futurist Kurzweil, Moores law of Integrated Circuits was not the first, but the fifth paradigm to forecast accelerating price-performance ratios. Computing devices have been consistently multiplying in power (per unit of time) from the mechanical calculating devices used in the 1890 U.S. Census, to [Newmans] relay-based [Heath] Robinson machine that cracked the Nazi [Lorenz cipher], to the CBS vacuum tube computer that predicted the election of Eisenhower, to the transistor-based machines used in the first space launches, to the integrated-circuit-based personal computer. This is illustrated in the chart below. What is technology singularity? This idea was first proposed by the mathematician Vernor Vinge who defined Technological Singularity as a time at which the rate of accelerating change increases to a point where it becomes human surpassing.   He said computers within a decade of our current era will be more powerful than the human brain. The machines will rapidly become much smarter than the humans who initially created them. This will cause a convergence of all technologies, until humans became totally embedded and submerged into a virtual world. This singularity is a state in which humans will be components of a cybernetic social network of such complexity that no one person will be able to understand more than a tiny fraction of the whole. As much as Singularitarians rely upon Moores Law to fuel our visions of the future, its not some inescapable truth of the universe. Producing ever smaller transistors is a job for thousands of engineers around the world, spending billions of dollars in research. Each step towards increasing computer processor performance per dollar requires innovation, and those innovations take time and effort to perfect. TriGate is a great example millions of dollars and a decade of preparation for its eventual launch. If you were to chart the evolution of the computer in terms of processing power, you would see that progress has been exponential and Moores Law seems to be self- fulfilling prophecy than a mere law or observation. But will technology singularity sustain of completely wipe off Moores Law? According to Moores Law, the progress of computational power on computers seems to have an exponential growth; whilst the futurist claim that technology singularity will accelerate at rate that no human brain can comprehend, as computers will achieve human-level intelligence and will be an infusion of different technologies embedded together and the growth will not be exponential. Moores Law may continue indefinitely, but it will rely upon the creativity and resilience of many developers at the top of their game. Can they keep it up? Can we keep pushing computers to become faster, better, and more efficient so they double in performance every two years? But on the contrary to support Moores Law, Intel, commercialized the worlds first 3D transistor, known as TriGate. The 22nm transistor performs better and uses less energy than the current cutting edge 32nm transistor. Computers can already perform individual operations orders of magnitude faster than humans can, Farmer said; meanwhile, the human brain remains far superior at parallel processing, or performing multiple operations at once. For most of the past half-century, engineers made computers faster by increasing the number of transistors in their processors, but they only recently began parallelizing computer processors. To work around the fact that individual processors cant be packed with extra transistors, engineers have begun upping computing power by building multi-core processors, or systems of chips that perform calculations in parallel.This controls the heat problem, because you can slow down the clock, Denning explained. Imagine that every time the processors clock ticks, the transistors fire. So instead of trying to speed up the clock to run all these transistors at faster rates, you can keep the clock slow and have parallel activity on all the chips. He says Moores law will probably continue because the number of cores in computer processors will go on doubling every two years. According to a research team at the Georgia Institute of Technologys Microsystems Packaging Research Center, they demonstrated a new technology called system-on-package (SOP). It addresses the other90 percent of the electronic system and paves the way for mega-function systems.In contrast to Moores Law, which addresses 10 percent of system integration at the IC- or device-level only -called the First Law SOP addresses the system integration problem, leading to the Second Law of Electronics. SOP combines nanoscale ICs with newly developed micro- to nanoscale, thin-film versions of discrete and other components. It embeds both of these components in a new type of package so small that it eventually will transform handhelds into multi- or mega-function systems. SOP technology represents a radically different approach to electronic and bio-electronic systems. It shrinks bulky circuit boards with their many components and makes them nearly disappear, leading to package-sized systems hen ce the name system-on-package. In effect, SOP sets up a new law for system integration. It holds that as the components shrink from milli- to micro- to nanoscale, component density will double every few years, leading to an exponential increase in the number of system functions packaged in a device the size of todays cell phones. Whether we attain the levels and surpass singularity still remains a fierce subject of speculation among the scientist and futurists. Below are excerpts of opponents of singularity, who forecast the phasing out of Moores Law. According to Peter Denning, distinguished professor of computer science at the Naval Postgraduate School and an expert on innovation, he says that By 2030 whatever technology were using will be sufficiently small that we can fit all the computing power thats in a human brain into a physical volume the size of a brain, after all this has been said, there will be the evolution of a super intelligent machine that will surpass human understanding. The British mathematician I.J. Good hypothesized that ultra intelligent machines, once created, could design even better machines. There would then unquestionably be an intelligence explosion, and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultra intelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make, Others argue that Moores law will soon start to break down, or that it has already. The argument stems from the fact that engineers cant miniaturize transistors much more than they already have, because theyre already pushing atomic limits. When there are only a few atoms in a transistor, you can no longer guarantee that a few atoms behave as theyre supposed to, Denning explained. On the atomic scale, bizarre quantum effects set in. Transistors no longer maintain a single state represented by a 1 or a 0, but instead vacillate unpredictably between the two states, rendering circuits and data storage unreliable. The other limiting factor, Denning says, is that transistors give off heat when they switch between states, and when too many transistors, regardless of their size, are crammed together onto a single silicon chip, the heat they collectively emit melts the chip. Some scientists say computing power is approaching its zenith. Already we see a slowing down of Moores law, the theoretical physicist Michio Kaku said in a Big Think lecture. He says that Computer power simply cannot maintain its rapid exponential rise using standard silicon technology.   He claims that Intel Corporation has admitted this company is now going to three-dimensional chips, chips that compute not just flatly in two dimensions but in the third dimension.   The problem is that a Pentium chip today has a layer almost down to 20 atoms across, 20 atoms across.   When that layer gets down to about 5 atoms across, its all over.   You have two basic problems are heat (the heat generated will be so intense that the chip will melt and disintegrate) and leakage.  (You dont know where the electron is anymore.) Thats the reason why the age of silicon will eventually come to a close. The quantum theory takes over. Kurzweil (1999; 2001) has proposed that technical progress can be characterized as accelerating exponential development. According to Kurzweils law of accelerating returns, technical change is generated in an evolutionary process where the outputs of the process are used as inputs in the next phase of the development. This leads to exponential growth. Kurzweil maintains that the rate of exponential growth itself increases. When a particular evolutionary process becomes more effective than its alternatives, greater resources are deployed for the further progress of the effective process. As a result, the rate of exponential growth itself grows exponentially. Evolution, and technology-evolution continued by other means-therefore is a process that leads to accelerating change. Using his observations as a basis, Kurzweil argues that technical development will rapidly lead to computational devices that are more intelligent than humans. The increasing capabilities of computers will further accelerate the speed of technological progress and, at least from our limited perspective, lead to an apparently infinite speed of change. Kurzweil calls this approaching point of extremely rapid change Singularity. Kurzweils hypothesis of approaching Singularity therefore consists of four major claims. One is the empirical claim that technical developments in computing show exponential growth and that the growth speed has increased over time. Another claim is that this process is generated by a law of accelerated returns which feeds back resources to those areas of technology development that grow rapidly. The third claim is that technology creation can be understood as an evolutionary process. The fourth claim is that the speed of change will soon reach levels where the human intelligence, at least in its current forms, perceive infinite pace of change and that this will lead to major changes in the society and in individual lives.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Potential For Professional Misuse Of Power Social Work Essay

The Potential For Professional Misuse Of Power Social Work Essay The focus of attention of this essay is on The potential for professional misuse of power by health care professionals when working with vulnerable groups. The author of this paper will address a number of issues as they relate to the topic question, which includes, describing a vulnerable group nominated for discussion and why they are at possible risk, there for outlining examples of misuse of professional power and putting forward strategies to address situations that arise, offering approaches that prevent the misuse of power from happening in the future and summarising legislation and professional codes of conduct involved with client care of the vulnerable group. The group nominated to illustrate the potential for professional misuse of power is those who live with a mental illness. There are a number of reasons why this particular group has been chosen and they include, the idea and notion of marginalisation, and social stigmas associated with having a mental illness. This hea lth care issue is an issue that crosses all social and economic boundaries and divides society. In days gone by, the views held by many in our communities had been consistent with the notion and idea of out of sight out of mind. Thankfully community attitudes are changing so to health care practices towards the treatment of a mental illness. In spite of these changes there still exists the potential for mistreatment and the misuse of power by some professionals who not only exacerbate the problem of the patient but also bring the profession into disrepute. The following will now discuss as to the reasons why by giving examples of misuse of power that some health care professionals are entrusted with. History teaches us many lessons, the accounts of abuse of mental health clients and patients are many. In describing examples of abuse by care workers the concept of what are boundaries will be discussed. Discussed in the context of what constitutes what is acceptable and what is deemed inappropriate. That is, from the view point of noting the points where medical staff can assert power and to what extent this means in terms of patient rights. Boundaries can be looked at from a number of points of view. For example boundaries can be seen as those sets of rules that establish the grounds by which one engages. For instance boundaries can be established by clearly defined sets of ordered and structured statements that indicate the manner and way in which clients are dealt with. ( 2nd August 2010). They can come in a number of forms that appear in the shape of; Acts or laws, policies, work place practices and so on. Take the Mental Health Act, for this assignment the Author has used the example of Act content from the Western Australian Act 1996 where Part 7 discloses Protection of patients Rights to be given). (Http; /webcache, 27th July 2010). Professional boundaries can be described as those conditions that distinguish between sets of behaviour that may lessen the health outcomes of the patient. The idea and notion of what boundaries represent and mean can best be summed up by saying that they are those sets of conditions that bring about an acceptance of each parties roles and responsibilities in a particular relationship. In summary they set the standard where by clearly defined sets of conditions establishes a manner of conduct and behaviour that informs the worker what they ought to do at the same time informing them of what this means in terms of their relationship with the patient. In the context of examples of the misuse of power, one could quite easily conclude that the misuse of power occurs when a worker crosses those professional boundaries of trust and neglects their commitments and responsibilities which in turn create the potential for the inappropriate care and treatment, which results in poor outcomes for the client. With respect to the concern of preventing abuse by health care professionals, the issue of standards and transparent diagnosis and evaluation of a mental illness comes to mind. In turn the issue of creating and maintaining sets of standards are important factors in preventing abuse. Important because they (the standards) establishes mode and method of not only treatment but of means and measures of developing a more structured way of not only appropriately assessing those with an illness but also ensuring that the diagnosis falls within particular guidelines. In terms of transparent practices, clearly defined guidelines need to be put in place that shows an open and ordered means by which patients are then processed and dealt with. Standards are the key to managing the prevention of abuse of the mentally ill. Standards from the point of view of realising measured and ordered approaches to the practices of caring for the mentally ill as well as guaranteeing fair and equitable management of the patients concerns. In dealing with the issue and concern of developing approaches to manage the potential for eliminating abuse from happening in the future the proposal for a much broader campaign of drawing the attention of the communities understanding to what is going on makes for a point from which to start. Measures for eliminating abuse must take on a much broader and wider audience. The issue is both a social one as well as a political one. The effect of such a campaign must take place within all quarters of society. The failure to address the concern as a much broader social issue can have disastrous consequences not only on the client affected by abuse but also on the profession it self. There must be a greater emphasis placed on intake procedures and screening as well as safety checks put in place within the profession. A greater level of management practices that are consistent with standards that place emphasis on treatment outcomes and doctor/nurses skills training must take precedence. Medical staff must also be aware of all resources like the Australian Health and Ethics Committees resource kit outlining good medical practice in doctor/nurse patient communication. These set of guidelines focus on how doctors (communicate with patients and the need to discuss treatment plans including information on risks, and, restricted circumstances when immediate provision of information may not be desirable). ( 21st August 2010) This will help to ensure that levels of safeguards are established and put in place that dictates the grounds upon which patients are treated as well as ensuring that those who provide the service are able to cope with the related concerns in away that creates well ordered work practices. As mentioned in the above prevention of abuse of mental health patients is a social concern. The stigma and stereotyping that has gone on in the past has only exacerbated and enhanced the typical stereotypes that exist in society for far too long. The kind of mind sets that exist does not in any way help the situation at all. Failures to recognise the concern in its social context will do little to comfort those who seek and wait for the kind of change that will bring about work place practices that are void of those mind sets described in the above. In order for the above to have any affect it must be accepted that people suffer from mental illness in all quarters of our society. As stated previously it does not discriminate and crosses all cultural and social boundaries both socially and economically. In light of this statement the following will address in further detail the mechanisms where by change can be affected and by what means it can be achieved. However it must first be acknowledged that social and professional change is not always an easy thing to achieve. It must also be acknowledged that our society is based on sets of principles and ideas that are fundamental to the way it functions and operates. In that context then it must be accepted that we all no matter what our disposition, are afforded rights of consideration and respect. The kind that are and should be common place within a democratic society that operates and functions on principles of equity and equality for the masses, the kind of principles that entitles each and everyone one of us fair treatment. Based on the position then it should be no surprise that is addressing concerns of misuse of power and the subsequent abuse of power by health care professionals should and must be governed and managed by sets of procedures and practices that are consistent with these principles. Often mistreatment in the work place can be linked too much broader social images and attitudes. Thats why work place practices must be supported by a much larger body of thought and action that spells out quite clearly that the misappropriation of power against those who have little control over their situation must be enforced. That is in the context of legislation and government and judicial management orders that establish clear and mandatory codes of practices. This in turn must be supported with mandatory and skills based training for professionals to better manage the risk of inappropriate behaviour and actions. In examining the points raised in the above a case study found in Ethics and law for the health professions 3rd edition, by the authors Kerridge, Lowe and Stewart (2009) illustrates well, a number of important and fundamental concerns when considering issues of misuse of power and behaviours that are inappropriate. For example the authors in setting out the case study of a woman who was suffering from case of low self esteem talked about the type of power relations that are tipped in favour of the psychiatrist. The authors in summary (describe the outcomes for the women in terms of misappropriate diagnosis and maltreatment with respect to medication and management of the illness. The Authors go on to state that Psychiatrists diagnose patients as having mental illness, institutionalise them against their wishes or free them from imprisonment, give them mind-altering substances and administer electro-convulsive therapy) (which means the application of electric current to specific areas to the head to produce a generalised seizure (Mental Health Act 1996 part 5). These power imbalances are the cause of many of the ethical issues in psychiatry. Kerridge, et, al (2009, p. 499). In short if a position had to be taken, as to the primary reason behind the misuse and abuse of power by health care professionals and this can be applied across the industry as a whole, then it would need to be one not to dissimilar to that stated by the authors in the above. That is, much of the concerns that the mentally ill face are based on power relations that are tipped in favour of the professional health care provider. The case study mentioned in the above is one that is all to typical of the kind of mind sets that pervade the profession. This is a prime example of those relations that exists and one which is representative in the way that it seeks to manage the cause and effect of the patients condition and in the process takes away not only their rights but also their dignity. Finally, and in summing up, this paper has attempted to provide a discussion, although brief in detail points for consideration when it comes to issues of the misuse of power towards the mentally ill by some health care professionals. This brief discussion has attempted to highlight not only the need for the management of concerns in a much broader context but also in terms of the internal institutional organisation of treatment of patients. This paper offers for consideration a number of considered points to ponder as they relate to legal and ethical concerns of a other wise stigmatised and marginalised group. Vulnerable they are but not without rights. As a result of considering this topic in more detail, if there is one point of consideration that the author of this paper would like to share as a result of reflection, then it would be this. The responsibilities of health care professionals are enormous. They are the kind of responsibilities that impact profoundly on how patients a re engaged and managed. Profoundly, in both the context of their much broader obligations and profoundly in the context of the social consequences of their actions as they relate to the health outcomes of the patient. And finally the above has reviewed the legal and ethical considerations that are fundamental to the practice of health professionals doing what they have been trained to do, engaging the patient in the kind of relationship that in turn helps to prevent the misuse of power by health care professionals.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Essay on the Theme of Nature in Antony and Cleopatra :: Antony Cleopatra Essays

Antony and Cleopatra:   The Theme of Nature  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nature, described as mysterious and secretive, is a recurrent theme throughout Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra.   Cleopatra, the ill-fated queen of Egypt, is both mysterious and secretive, and her emotional power is above and beyond nature’s great strength.   Whether described in a positive or in a negative manner, both nature and Cleopatra are described as being â€Å"great natural forces.†Ã‚   Throughout the first act, the two are compared and contrasted by various characters in the play.   The first act, set in Alexandria, Egypt, sets the stage for the play and presents the majority of the actors. Scene two introduces one of the major themes of the play, Nature.   This raunchy, innuendo- filled scene has two of Cleopatra’s close friends and one of Antony’s discussing her and Antony’s life.   Charmian, one of Cleopatra’s best friends, Alexas, one of Cleopatra’s servants (as well as the link between her and Antony), Enobarbus, one of Antony’s trusted Lieutenants, as well as a Soothsayers are all present and discussing their fortunes.   During this discussion, the Soothsayer states, â€Å" In Nature’s infinite book of secrecy/ A little I can read† (I.ii.10-11).   The Soothsayer explains to the others that there is little she can do outside of not only her powers, but also what nature allows her to.   One of the first references to nature and the mystery that revolves around it, this quote simply demonstrate s how little power the people have over something as great as nature.   Nature and the elements surrounding it are simply a mystery to the people of Rome.   In his discussion with his commanding Lieutenant, Enobarbus refers to Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt and Antony’s soon-to- be lover, as a great natural force that is above nature’s powers.   In the second scene of the first act, Antony states, â€Å"She is cunning past man’s thought† (I.ii.145).   This statement is then followed by Enobarbus’ statement about Cleopatra: â€Å"†¦her passions are made of noth/ing but the finest part of pure love.   We cannot call her /winds and waters sighs and tears; they are greater /storms and tempests than almanacs can re- port.   This/ cannot be cunning in her; if it be, she makes a show’r of /rain as well as Jove† (I.ii.146-151).   In this quote, Enobarbus shows great respect and admiration towards Cleopatra.   Not only does he defend her from Antony’s statement, but also he regards her with such high esteem that he compares her to Jove, the ruler of the gods in charge of rain, thunder, and lightning.

The Dustbowl of America in the 1930s :: American America History

The Dustbowl of America in the 1930s The Dust Bowl of North America refers to a catastrophe in the early 1930's when vast areas of the Midwestern and Western farm lands of America became wastelands. This occurred due to a series of dry years which coincided with the extension of agriculture in unsuitable lands. Droughts and dust storms caused by poor tillage practices devastated farms and ranches of the Great Plains; therefore, causing a great exodus of its inhabitants to other, more fertile, lands. The problem had become so great that a nation wide effort was made to resolve the problem. Beginning in 1935, extensive efforts were made by both federal and state governments to develop adequate programs for soil conservation and for the rehabilitation of the dust bowl. Eventually, thanks to government aid, farming became possible again in the Dust Bowl; consequently, farmers have learnt many valuable lessons from this dilemma. The European settlers who first arrived at the Great Plains found hardy grasslands that held the fine-grained soil in place in spite of the long recurrent droughts and occasional torrential rains. A large number of the travelers settled down in this area and built farms and ranches. These land uses led to soil exposure and great erosion. The cattle ranches were very profitable for the settlers; unfortunately, this led to overgrazing and degradation of the soil. In addition, farmers began to plow the natural grass cover and plant their own crops. Without the original root systems of the grass to anchor the soil, much of it blew away. The wide row crops were very disastrous because between the crops, the land was kept bare; as a result, this area was exposed to the elements. Also, the nutrients in the soil were used up by the plants faster than they could be replaced. The soil had become exhausted. The Great Plains are a vast expanse of land located in a region east of the Rocky Mountains in North America. Precipitation in the region is sparse because it is found in the rainshadow of the Rockies; as a result, rain is very unpredictable as to when it will fall so farmers had to make due with what they had back in the 1930's. This lack of water created a hard dry soil that was very difficult to cultivate for agricultural purposes. The farmers, however, continued to cultivate the land and eventually disaster struck.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Daval Snuff Project :: essays research papers

Two summers ago I started working at this gun shop. Its not a great job but its money I didn't have before. While working there, I met a guy by the name of Daval Snuff. He's real smart(even though he dropped out of highschool) funny, nice, and knows a lot about guns. Two of Daval's best friends, BoodaSac and Feebus, told that he had a little crush on me. The problem was, I already had a boyfriend.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I told Daval about Bobbio, my boyfriend, he threatened to kill him.He said he would literally kill him over me. It may sound weird but, I was flattered.I didn't know if he was serious about it or not, so I took a vacation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  While on vacation I went to church and had a good prayer with Pastor Mickey. He simply told me not to believe him. On the fourth coming day of her vacation the guys at work told me that Bobbio had stopped by the store. They also mentioned that he met Daval...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When I called Bobbio no one answered, I got suspious. Little did I know that Daval had invited him to go hunting. What Bobbio didn't know was that Daval was hunting for HIM...   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Little did Daval know, Bobbio was a trained asassign for the MM(Mexican Mafia). Bobbio knew something was up when Daval shot him with a tranquilizer dart, but Bobbio being the trained assasign that he is took the dart out and sucked the poison out and spit it in Daval's eye.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The deadly poison from the dart severly wounded Daval's eyes leaving him blind and alone.With Bobbio gone, Daval was left to fend for himself.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Positioning Statement

Positioning Statement According to the latest findings in individual report part one, our low-income target audiences have higher fast food consumption than those in high-income area. We know that poor lifestyle and fast food consumption increase the likelihood of being diagnosed with bowel cancer by 2.7 times. Healthier lifestyle behaviours such as healthy eating, regular physical activity may reduce the risk of cancer recurrence and improve the life for patients living with bowel cancer, but the intention to change those health behaviours may vary depending on availabilities of resource, and time (Susan, M., Robert, W. 2018). We aim to use appropriate social marketing strategies and campaigns to provide more information and recommendations on how to minimize the risk of bowel cancer through improved lifestyle and early screening.Product design and platformBowel cancer screening kit is designed to check early signs of bowel cancer in our target audiences who do not have bowel cancer or do not have any obvious signs but have a higher risk of getting this disease. This innovative product brings significant benefit in bow cancer early detection. The simple screening instructions saves time and increases the chance of detecting bowel cancer at an early stage, cancer mortality is decreased at the same time. The design principles of the screening kit provide simple, fast, cost effective and accurate diagnosis in bowel cancer. Over the years, our team created unique technological platforms that are used to design and develop products for early detection of different types of cancers. With shared characteristics, these range of products are derived from the same core technology and architecture. The bow cancer screening kit and companion products for other cancer are designed to help people to identify, manage and treat the disease (Markus A. Feufel1, Tamera R. S., and Hans J. B. 2010). Price In price setting, our team must take into account various factors (i.e., lack of insurance, transportation cost and cost of screening) in line with the benefit and value of our product to remain attractive to people. Pricing strategies to minimize an economic barrier for bowel cancer screening: Proving low cost or free screening service. Healthcare incentives and disincentives can be targeted at healthcare professionals and patients. This report target patients. Patient targeted incentives and disincentives can be monetary and nonmonetary. Monetary Incentives and Disincentives are behaviour changes result in a voucher, price, payment, or other financial rewards; Nonmonetary Incentives and Disincentives are behaviour changes result in enhanced quality of life or other non-financial benefits (Kim, S., University of Cambridge, Sheila, L., University of North Carolina, Jon, C., University of Minnesota). .Place/Distribution ChannelEmail is one of the most effective ways to communicate our campaign message to target audience and the community. Another alternative method involves community healthcare support works in distributing the screening kits, to provide information and education on bowel cancer to prospective participant.Distribute the kit through pharmacies throughout inner west of Sydney, each returned stool sample will be tested, and result will be notified to participants.Bandura's Social Cognitive Theory examined the relationship between environmental factors and diet behaviour. Healthy food access is the first step to improve the food environment by making healthy foods more assessable to low-income customers and limiting access to fast food restaurants. PromotionWe will hold a yearly Bowel Cancer Awareness Month campaign in encouraging our target audience to reduce junk food consumption, increase physical activity, promote other positive health behaviour, and encourage not yet screened people to be screened for bowel cancer. The key message for the public is:†Kit start to save your life!†Another message to our target audience:If you're aged 16-30 from inner west of Sydney, you'll receive a free bowel cancel screening kitFor people have no signs or symptoms of bowel cancerBowel cancer is curable if detected earlyTake the test early, don't ignore itCancer Council NSW, local council and businesses provide both financial support and educational resources for this campaign. We will invite a health professional as a guest speaker who is well-known in cancer care and practice to spread awareness message during the campaign, motivate and empower already screened participants to tell their stories and encourage other people to be screened. This campaign offers a unique opportunity for participant to interact with the guest speaker to raise awareness on bowel cancer risks its impact on people who are diagnosed with this disease in our community.Strategies that is actionable and understand the participants can be incorporated. Future cancer prevention and treatment methods must be communicated to the participants. A successful social marketing campaign, we need to make the audience feel involved and motivated without fear from start to finish. Traditional communication channels such as face to face communication could not reach as wide audience as non-traditional channels, it is an effective channel to form a personal connection with our target audience. Mass media such as face book is a non-traditional communication channel where a variety of risks are existing. Fear in mass media can affect people's behaviour, people feel nervous, fearful and anxious when they are exposed by open media.There are serval factors that guiding our decisions including: post experiences, cognitive biases, cost, individual differences such as social status and age (Cindy, D. 2010) Creative strategiesSome studies suggest that how food in displayed in a store can increase sales. Place healthy vegetables and fruits to a place where they will sell faster, usually towards the front of the store. Encourage customers to buy healthy beverages by placing them in the refrigerator next to the milk and water. Healthy products such as whole meal wheat products below eye level.Form positive relations with the target audience to increase the value of healthier lifestyle behaviours including increased physical activity and heathier dietary choices.Make information available at local council or public places to educate the community on the advantage of early screening, healthy eating and impact on eating fast food. Propose or introduce junk food tax, restrict unhealthy food advertising as part of efforts to reduce fast food consumption, addressing raising risk of bowel cancer.Implement appropriate strategies and policies within the community to promote healthy life style, early screening and reduce bowel cancer. Encourage and motivate participants to take part in face to face communications to express their fear and anxiety before screening. Use small media such as newsletters and brochures to motivate and inform people to be screened. Provide training for healthcare professionals including individual targeted training and professional development workshops.Assist healthcare professionals with the knowledge, resources and systems to manage screening effectively.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Athletics In MacGregor’s Sporting Landscape Essay

However, using tactics which corroborate teamwork and competitive factors which in theory will motivate students to strive and increase their participation levels. 1. 0 Introduction This report will provide a detailed analysis of the participation of athletics in Macgregor’s microcosm as the societal norm believe that the status quo is â€Å"uncool†, it is known that the position of Australia’s porting landscape is very weak as there is a lack of participation within Australia as a whole This can be answered by a simple formula created to find the reason why some sports have a lack in participation in mainstream society today, Figueroa’s framework, this formula is divided into Levels listed in the following Cultural, Structural, Institutional, interpersonal and individual levels, nonetheless, it Is concluded that it is up to the individual of whether they decide to participate in Athletics or not. 2. 0 Figueroa’s Framework The social factors that influence an individual’s decision to participate in Athletics may indirectly or directly impact them by shaping their values, attitudes and beliefs. Knowing this the individual may find themselves being subjective to the people and also the certain factors they face in society ranging from cultural differences to peers to themselves. Sociologist, Peter Figueroa, develop a framework that analyses the equity of social resources that can also be implemented into the participation of athletics. . 1 Individual Level It can be argued that when it comes to equity and access issues, the individual level is the most important. This is because, while all levels of Figueroa’s Framework can identify how equity and sporting opportunities are presented to an individual, in the end it is the individual’s choice that will determine his or her access and level of participation in physical education. Kiss, 2012) This level is specific to Macgregor’s sporting landscape as it highlights the lack of participation in students; nonetheless, these decisions about sport and physical activity are ultimately made by the individuals Genes, values, attitudes and personalities which are specific to each individual. 3. 0 Action plan In Macgregor’s deteriorating athletics program, the lack of participation in the carnivals can link to many reasons why they don’t compete in such events. Study shows that the majority of students would prefer to sit and chat with their friends instead of competing in athletics, however, to allow students to participate, an action plan was developed to; in theory create a more fun and enjoyable carnival thus increasing participation levels, using successful methods utilized in Australian sports such as Cricket, NRL, AFL, etc. The ideologies used within these sports can be integrated within the society of Macgregor’s microcosm shaping the status quo of Macgregor’s Athletics program in a more positive, enjoyable way. . 1 Justification of Action plan Throughout sporting history there are various techniques to strive for in order to have a successful carnival, the majority of successful sports share many similar techniques to better improve the participation of athletes in Australia such as making it more interactive for the audience thus improving their participation rates; for example, in tennis they implement a board that measures the speed of the serve for each game as well as the Olympics which show the world record for each event. nowing this; a supposed board that lists all the records of each event is shown publically pre-athletics carnival and during for students to observe and in theory become more motivated and strive to train and compete in the events believing they are able to break that record thus improving participation rates. Secondly, the appearance of famous sporting athletes have known to improve the participation of sports for example, NBA players frequently appear in many occasions of street basketball games as it obviously creates publicity, however, also improves the participation due to the fact that this allows the ‘average basketball fanatic’ who normally would watch their idol from the comfort of their own television, but in fact they are able to play side by side with their idol increasing their moral and motivation to play. This can also be implemented in the athletics carnival by having the famous athlete participate and motivate the students to join in and also create a slight sense of competition. Finally, it is a fact that Australians love to play team based sports as listed, AFL, Cricket, Football, NRL, Soccer, Basketball, Rugby League are in the top 10 Australian sports; this is 7 of the 10 sports that are shown. With this in mind, Students would be required to form groups of 3 and compete in the athletics carnival, with a twist; each event would hold a certain amount of points varying on the position the student places, 10points for 1st, 7points for 2nd, 5point for 3rd and participation will be worth 2 points. The team that scores the highest points will be rewarded with a prize, such as vouchers, etc. 4. 2 Links to survey results The action plan created was based on a census of the whole school to observe whether they would participate in athletics and their reasons to not. To justify the particular choices created in the action plan by showing the statistics which have guided the development as the spikes in the statistics assist in improving the participation by surveying the trend. The reason a record chart was implemented as it adds a competitive flair and students receive social rewards within the athletics carnival as 19% of students feel that there is no reward for students if they win the events, this will help students strive for the record instead of just trying to win. A massive 27% of students feel that they are not good enough for the athletics carnival and believe there is no point to participate and simply just socialize with their peers, with the appearance of a famous athlete; students would be motivated to part take in the events as the special guest can provide moral support and advice to improve their technique, etc. during the carnival as they can join in with the students. By creating team based events the 80% of students that prefer team sports are able to participate and at the same time fill the social void according to the 25% as they strive to motivate fellow teammates and allow each other perform better overall, also considering the 66% that would participate in the carnival if their peers were to join in. (Buckley, et al, 2013) 4. Links to research material including the individual level of the framework The research gathered of Figueroa’s framework on the individual level, it is realised that students values and beliefs are to strive for competition and rewards, as these factors have been fulfilled it will allow students to participate in a more enjoyable way, due to the fact that an individual’s values and beliefs reflect directly upon their parents, siblings and peers, however, it is proven that the individual learns to behave through the experience they have accumulated from mainly their peers, also the fact that students view the sports society in a ‘boring’ manner, they often assume they cannot socialise with their peers which majorly affect their participation rates. 5. 0 Conclusion

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Sleepy hollow

Hollow Sleepy Hollow is a new television series currently running on the FOX network. Airing on September 16, Sleepy Hollow Is a modern twist on Washington Irving's classic tale of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman. Ichabod Crane, played by actor Tom Mison, is a revolutionary soldier â€Å"resurrected† in the present-day town of Sleepy Hollow along with his foe, the Headless Horseman.The show explores the legend of the Apocalypse, with Ichabod and his companion Lieutenant Abbie Mills, played by ctress Nicole Beharie, as the two witnesses who must try and stop the coming of the Four Horseman and the end of the world. sleepy Hollow has only been on air for three months with a total of 9 episodes but seems to already have a loyal following, similar to the creators Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orc' former serialized sci-fi show Fringe. The show Is filmed primarily In Wilmington, North Carolina by 20th century Fox Television and has already been renewed for a second season in 20 14.Sleepy Hollow, like all FOX television shows, has accounts on the three main social edia websites: Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Facebook detlnltely has the most following with over 100,000 followers. Twitter comes in second with almost 60,000 followers and Instagram in last place with less than 3,000 followers. The Facebook page regularly posts pictures, previews and various articles throughout the week, though most coming from the day leading up toa new episode. The Twitter account @SleepyHollowFOX also tweets regularly with the consistent hashtags of #sleepyhollow for the show and *sleepyheads for its fans.Instagram is used nfrequently with only 55 posts total and most pictures acting as a preview for that night's episode. In addition to these three maln sites, Sleepy Hollow also has Its official website on FOX and various video clips on the FOX YouTube channel. The official website has an interactive map called The Secret Map of Sleepy Hollow' and full episodes and recaps available to watch. Finally, It also has links to Its various social media websites and a built in twitter feed. The Individual actors also have their own social media presences, namely Twitter and official websites.The show sleepy Hollow does a decent Job In reaching out to Its viewers through social media. It has the obligatory social media accounts and does post content regularly. However, Sleepy Hollow underutilizes all of these social media sites, making their accounts boring and uninviting. Their content Is mostly Just previews and stills for each upcoming episode. It gives viewers no behind the scenes content, shutting them out of the production process. Behind the scenes photos and clips often help viewers feel Included, a part ot the cast and ‘In on the secret'.Instagram Is definitely acking content and followers, which could easily be remedied with exclusive stills from cast and crew during production. The various accounts also lack options for viewer teedback and r ecognition. The Sleepy Hollow Twitter account does tweet suspenseful lines during commercial breaks, but never asks for viewer feedback. They also never retweet or favorite any clever comments from their followers. Fans are asKea to tweet out tnere Is no reward. s Ilke Modern Hamlly are aneaa In tne social media game with in show tweets and polling results from fans.By rewarding ans with seeing their tweets on television and online, Modern Family increases viewership and loyalty to their program. Sleepy Hollow is new and has the potential to establish a great social media presence from the beginning of its programming, however FOX puts little effort into sites. The official website is especially lacking, with a confusing and dark layout. Its interactive map of Sleepy Hollow had the beginnings ofa good idea, however turned out to be boring clips from previous episodes.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

How Information Technology Affects Business Essay

As a business owner, and manager the need for a way to manage our information is essential. The ability to handle the overwhelming amount of data and information that goes through a company every day could be a key factor in whether a business fails or succeeds. (Ebert & Griffin 2005) The system in which we collect and use this information is called an Information System (IS). An IS is used in financial accounting, managerial accounting, by laborers, and executives. In my basket shop, an Information System is what allows us to keep track of orders, from the time they are received to when they are delivered. It keeps track of customer information, the supplies ordered, what supplies have been used, and whether we need to reorder. IS also keeps track of what we are spending, how much we are making, and whether we are making a profit or loss. There is so much more this system does for us, but basically lets us be more efficient, offer better customer service, and allows us to see our problem areas. We can then correct any problems, and set better goals and plans for our future. The use of the Information System has allowed us to hire fewer employees, and be a lot more competitive in the market. I have to say if we did not have any kind of way to manage the information we receive, we could not be as efficient, which would lead to customer dissatisfaction, and in the end we would go out of business. We all know that in today’s society. Businesses are expected to be proficient by responding quickly in fulfilling all orders correctly and with a timely delivery. â€Å"Web sites are becoming a vital communication tool – almost as valuable as the telephone, and much more flexible and economical than a printed brochure or flier† (â€Å"Internet Use†, 2000) With the use of email and the internet we will have drastic reductions in cost, increased speed in communication time, and a larger customer reach and satisfaction. Email will allow us to save money on stamps and paper, cut response time to a minimum, and send advertisements about sales to previous customers who took this option. A problem that used to take days to handle before by mail, waiting for papers to arrive by mail etc, is now handled in minutes. Without the internet, we would not be able to offer a virtual store front online, which allows us to reach customers, thousands of miles away,  that we would not reach otherwise. The online store, will give the customers the option of having their basket delivered, or they can order ahead of time and pick up at the store location. The internet provides access to the World Wide Web (WWW). With the WWW we can do more cost efficient and quicker research on our competitors, suppliers, and the local economic status. Being better informed, we will be able to keep our prices fair and reasonable, yet still make a profit. Through the use of the internet, and help from a GPS tracker, we will be able to keep track of packages being delivered. This will allow us to keep our customers better informed as to when they will receive their basket and make sure they don’t get lost. The World Wide Web will also allow us to accept payment options that we would not be able to afford otherwise. With the help of ProPay and PayPal we will be able to take payments with credit cards that we would not be able to offer if the internet was not available. In conclusion, with the help of email and the internet, we will be able provide faster, dependable, more cost efficient service, and in return have better customer satisfaction. Information technology has become an important part of most of today’s businesses, it provides us with a way to process, create and store information. With a Database management program a single piece of data is put into several different files to create useful information. It has allowed us to eliminate the middleman in most cases. In cutting out the middleman, this has allowed quicker response times to situations and increase productivity and set better performance goals. We have more reliable financial statements. It allows you to set up filters, so when looking at certain areas, you aren’t wasting time looking through useless information. This in turn saves time and saving time saves money. When keeping customer’s information stored in our system, it allows us to be more personable and develop stronger relationships with them. The use of email, internet, and information technology allows us to do things we wouldn’t have dreamed of years ago. We can talk face to face with people while being continents apart, we can find information we need at the touch of a couple of buttons, and in return have become more productive, proficient, reliable, and better planners. Because we have increased our  productivity, and improved our performance due to the technology, we have become more profitable as a result. Resources: Ebert, R.J., & Griffen, R.W. (2005) Business essentials (5th ed.) Upper Saddle River, NJ, Prentice Hall. Rooster Graphics International. (2000). Internet use by small business. Retrieved September 29, 2006, from Rooster Graphics website:

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Critical Thinking 1 Speech or Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Critical Thinking 1 - Speech or Presentation Example Economic profit is the estimate of a forgone good. In businesses, the normal profit is required business profit and not in economic profit. If at all the interest on mortgage loan deduction were reduced or removed, then the homeowners will be hurt is a fallacy. Buyers will have to pay low prices. This because home owners get a deduction in tax which a renter paying the same amount will never get. The savings are forced every month in beginning of a mortgage. Owning property such as house is the only avenue for an ordinary person to employ leverage that not only create risk but also rewards. Persons who rent outwardly think they put extra in investments but when subjected to scrutiny it is a fallacy. A house is an asset that depreciates slowly as compared to other assets. The scenario only focuses on the percentage increase in houses but do not provide an argument what return on capital is. If a sales manager happens to announce that a marketing program is being utilized to maximize sales, I would advocate for the program scaled down because the marginal revenue is equal to zero. When the sales are maximum, the marginal revenue is at zero. When now this happen, the marginal cost exceeds marginal revenue, this means that the marketing strategy is yielding too much. For the betterment of the outcome, the marginal revenue should be equal to marginal

Economics for business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Economics for business - Essay Example In order to find the marginal cost we will calculate the first derivative of total cost function: Monopoly is a market structure where there is a single producer or seller of the product in the market with no substitutes available. This means that the ultimate power lies with the producer or seller and not with the consumer. In other market structures, the authority to choose a product is in the hands of the consumer but in a monopolistic market there are no substitutes available and the consumer has to accept what is being offered to them. Monopoly is considered inefficient due to the fact that the market doesn’t have any substitute of the product giving the producer or seller an authority to set prices according to their need. They usually discriminate regarding the prices and charge higher than the marginal cost of production in the market. Such market doesn’t focus on the consumers as they are aware that no matter what ultimately the consumers will choose their product even if the quality of the product is below the standards. In such market structure, the barriers to entry are high giving no or little entry positions to other businesses. As a result of the barriers there is no competition or rivalry in such market. This market is considered inefficient than the other market structures because this market produces less output as compared to others. With no competition, reduction in the output level leads to high prices. It also creates inequality because it converts the consumer surplus into producer surplus. This inequality between the price charged and the marginal cost makes this market inefficient. This means that there is price discrimination in such market and some consumers have to pay higher prices. In monopoly the output level is less and creates unemployment of the resources. The resources are not properly and efficiently utilized as compared to other market structures. In such market the price is greater than the marginal